French: Knowledge Check!

Around the first week of May, I learned the present conditional (or PrĂ©sent Du Conditionnel in French). The present conditional can be used to express the following: A wish: If you come to my comedy show, it would make me happy. To ask for something politely: Would you mind making a pen? Advice: You should…

French Genocide Project

For the genocide project, I chose to talk about Rwanda. The process definitely made me aware of my strengths and weaknesses. Because I am a resourceful person and I know where to look for information, the research portion was relatively easy. My organizational skills allowed me to able to present the project in a cause…

AP Physics Project: Projectile Launcher

  Details of design choices When I started the projectile project, the first thing I thought about was creating a canon-like structure. I always knew that I wanted to build something that utilized a spring. Being a complicated person, I just had to design a complex blueprint to convey my plans. My blueprint consisted of…