French: Knowledge Check!

Around the first week of May, I learned the present conditional (or Présent Du Conditionnel in French). The present conditional can be used to express the following: A wish: If you come to my comedy show, it would make me happy. To ask for something politely: Would you mind making a pen? Advice: You should…

AP Physics Project: Projectile Launcher

  Details of design choices When I started the projectile project, the first thing I thought about was creating a canon-like structure. I always knew that I wanted to build something that utilized a spring. Being a complicated person, I just had to design a complex blueprint to convey my plans. My blueprint consisted of…

AP Physics Key Points 16 (Week of April 1st)

Static Equilibrium Occurs when an object is at rest and in a state of equilibrium With torque… When the net force is zero, the acceleration is zero, which means velocity is constant.  Static equilibrium occurs when the net torque is zero.  Key Points Use the center of mass for objects Choose a convenient axis of…