French Genocide Project


For the genocide project, I chose to talk about Rwanda. The process definitely made me aware of my strengths and weaknesses. Because I am a resourceful person and I know where to look for information, the research portion was relatively easy. My organizational skills allowed me to able to present the project in a cause and effect fashion. Although I am learning French and getting better every class, writing complex and compound sentences with gaps in vocabulary is still difficult for me. Translating my words from English to French took me a while for sure.

Doing this project helped learn more about the Rwandan genocide while also learning how to better construct harder sentences in French. That also increased by skill in vocabulary and verb conjugations. I read through French articles in order to better understand the difference between English and French grammar, which helped tremendously. Overall, the project was challenging. Like with any other assignment, there are easy and hard concepts to learn and execute.

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